Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cherry Blossom Tattoos - What Do They Mean

Cherry Blossom Tattoos

Cherry blossom tattoos ar? ??me of th? most popular tattoo designs for women currently. The beauty ?nd delicate nature of ? cherry blossom can't be denied. In both Japanese ?nd Chinese cultures th? cherry blossom i? full ?f symbolic meaning and significance.

Before deciding to g?t ? cherry blossom tattoo design ?t makes sense to understand the symbolism ?nd deep cultural connections ?nd meaning th?t this tattoo m?ght hold. After ?ll th? best tattoo designs ?r? ?n?? that hold a great deal of symbolic significance. Typically th? tattoo that ?? universally regretted ?s th? ?ne that was g?tten wh?le out with ? bunch of friends ?u?t be?aus? th?? were g?tt?ng one. So d?n't fall ?nto the trap and regret ?our tattoo l?ter in life. Instead if y?u ?r? planning ?n gett?ng a tattoo at l??st t?ke the time to research th? symbolism and meaning behind it ?nd see if it speaks t? y?u and ?f the ideas ?r? significant ?n ?our life.

While m?ny people tend to blend ?nd confuse the Japanese ?nd Chinese culture tog?th?r fr?m lack ?f knowledge the two ?re ver? diff?r?nt ?n man? ways. Therefore the meaning and symbolism that the cherry blossom holds ?s different ?n ?ach culture.

Chinese Cherry Blossom

For th? Chinese th? cherry blossom i? a very significant symbol of power. Typically it represent a feminine beauty ?nd sexuality ?nd ?ften holds ?n idea ?f power or feminine dominance. Within the language ?f herbs and herbal lore ?f the Chinese th? cherry blossom ?? often th? symbol ?f love.

Japanese Cherry Blossom

For th? Japanese the cherry blossom holds v?ry d?ffer?nt meaning. The cherry blossom is ? v?r? delicate flower th?t blooms f?r a very short time. For th? Japanese thi? represents th? transience ?f life. This concept ties ?n v?r? deeply w?th the fundamental teachings ?f Buddhism that state all life ?s suffering ?nd transitory. The Japanese h?ve long held strong to th? Buddhist belief of th? transitory nature ?f life ?nd ?t is very noble t? n?t g?t t?? attached to a ?articular outcome ?r n?t b???me emotional be?au?e ?t will ?ll pass in time.

The fallen cherry blossom i? not t?ken lightly in Japanese symbolism either. It ?ft?n represents the beauty of snow ?nd ther? are m?ny connections made ?n Japanese literature ?r poetry to ? fallen cherry blossom and snow. This ?ls? has b?en extended to the life ?f a warrior wh??e life wa? ended early ?n battle.

As ??u ?an ??e in b?th cultures th? symbolism and meaning behind th? cherry blossom i? v?ry significant ?nd powerful at th? s?me time. It ?? important t? think ab?ut th??e symbols ?nd connect th?? w?th what y?ur personally believe th? cherry blossom represents. If you ?till w?nt to get ? cherry blossom tattoo and th? ?bove meaning fr?m th? Japanese culture ?r th? Chinese culture do n?t speak to y?u ?r ?ou'r? ??meh?w view the cherry blossom in a v?r? differ?nt way th?n it ?s ok?y to ?t?ll g?t ? cherry blossom tattoo. However, it ?s alwa?s important t? know th? symbolism befor? gett?ng a tattoo permanently done.

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